We’re Not Mushrooms: (Part 1)

The upcoming election is arguably one of the most important in our lifetime.   It will set a course for this country that not only affects us, but our children and our children’s children.  It is a true clash of ideologies and the differences couldn’t be more profound.   So why is it so difficult to get a clear picture of those differences?   It is because we are being treated like mushrooms. (If you are not familiar with the term…ask an older friend).  It pains me so to think that our country’s future may be decided on “likeability” rather than “substance and truth”.

During the 25 years I spent in the financial industry, which by the way I am writing a not so flattering book, I tried to understand what motivates a client or prospect.  You would think that such insights would have given me an advantage….Right?   However, what I found was somewhat startling.  With advent of the computer trading, the Internet, cable news, etc. the information that became available to people increased dramatically in quantity but not necessarily in quality.  Bottom line was that many people quickly reached the point of “information and misinformation” overload and stopped seeking truth.  Consequently they withdrew from trying to get answers and many became victims of confusion, lies and misrepresentations by the “likeable” people who peddled them.  I see much the same phenomena in this election cycle.  People are so inundated with 24/7 news that many withdraw from trying to separate fact from fiction and facades from substance.

In my current position as a blogger, and owner of a small consulting concern, I have a bit more control on where I spend my time.  Probably more so than many hard working Americans.  Consequently during a good part of my day I take time to listen, to watch, to read, to investigate and compare media coverage of this current election cycle.  What I see is pathetic!  What is going on is one of the greatest shams pulled on both the suspecting (cynical) and unsuspecting (naïve).  Often I step away in disgust because I know that what I am watching many times is slanted, manipulated and controlled to keep us in the dark and to feed us Bull S**t while avoiding the real issues.  The important and relevant information is being disguised in irrelevant information and pushed upon the American public in such volume that the unsuspecting public reverts to selecting their favorite newscaster, media personality, and talk shows when formulating their own opinions.   Really?   Come on America you are smarter that that!

As I was writing this piece this morning, I was trying to decide on a format to present my position and appeal to the common sense of all Americans.   However in trying to articulate my position I don’t want to contribute to that which I despise….irrelevance and distractions.    So I would like to present a few observations today that I hope will uncover what I believe is a concerted effort in the “dumbing” of America.    Let me give you a few examples to illustrate what I mean by contrasting leadership styles in the House and Senate.   Today I will highlight Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Harry Reid (D-NV) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

We, the American people, had little or no voice in the construction and/or passage of Obama care.   The bill was passed at a time when one party controlled the House, the Senate and the Executive branches of government.   We were told by the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) that “we had to pass the health care bill so that we can find out what is in it”.    Well Nancy, now we are finding “what is in it” and it only confirms what most Americans feared.   That is; if you give any political party absolute power without public input and oversight you are asking for trouble.  Here is a case in point.  The most recent “surprise” is that the costs of health care insurance premiums are up 50% in 2011.  When he ran for president in 2008, Mr. Obama promised he would lower health insurance premiums for families by $2,500 in his first term. But earlier this month, the Kaiser Family Foundation released its annual Employer Health Benefits Survey showing that average family health insurance premiums have gone up by more than $2,500 ($2,730 to be exact), not down. Then, this week, the Health Care Cost Institute released its annual Health Care Cost and Utilization Report showing that, after briefly slowing down due to the recession in 2009 and 2010, overall health care spending rose 4.6 percent last year, far outpacing both inflation and wages.  That is only the tip of the iceberg.   Sorry Nancy you get an “F” in leadership.

How about Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) the Senate Majority leader?   The Senate is required by law (unless the law is ignored) to present and pass a budget every year.   So why has Senator Reid blocked every attempt, even by his own party, to let those that we have elected have open debate and discussion that address issues central to the vitality of our nation?  He has stonewalled every attempt to pass a budget for over 3 years!  This is unprecedented, unforgivable, unconscionable and yes un-American.  This illustrates how out of control the power struggle in Washington has become when one man can be such an obstructionist.   Last I checked this is not a Monarchy King Reid.    Here is the irony.  Senator Reid is quick to criticize any House proposal, and any discussion on the Senate floor, yet he fails to present one of his own.  How are Americans to debate, decide and choose what is best for our country when the only plan being offered is being held as a political hostage?  Where is the leadership Senator Reid?   You are certainly my nomination for the poster child (albeit an old child) for term limits.

I would love to leave Senator Reid and move on to my next point but this touches the heart of an issue that seems to be lost in rhetoric and not covered in main street media.   That issue: separation of church and state.    In his continued character attacks on Mitt Romney I believe the Senator has crossed the line.  Senator Reid claims that Mitt Romney has “sullied” his Mormon religion thereby making religion an issue in state matters.   Here is the definition of “sullied” from the Encarta Dictionary.   “Spoil.  To spoil or detract from something, especially somebody’s reputation, that has previously been pure and honorable, or become spoiled or tarnished”.     Senator Reid, are you suggesting that his relationship with his religion should be considered in this presidential campaign?   Wow!  A Senate Leader so desperate to win at all costs has just obliterated the line between the separation of church and state.  Senator Reid, if you view yourself as a good Mormon and you believe what you say, I suggest that you handle it directly with the Mormon leadership where it should be handled.  Do I hear applause from the ACLU?  I saw this type of attack used one other time in my life, although I was too young to vote (21 was the voting age).   Thank God, and I do give Him thanks, that the American people saw through the demagoguery and elected a president that I came to truly admire.  That person was John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a democrat and yes….the first Catholic president.  Do you remember the statement that he made that set our country back on the path to greatness?   “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”.   With his vision, tenacity and leadership, and the perspective of less government and more American hard work and ingenuity, we put a man on the moon in a decade.  Senator Reid that is leadership!

What about the other side of the Senate aisle?   This is how the Senate Minority leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), breaks down the issues in a speech on the Senate floor on September 20, 2012.


“I understand there’s an election going on in a few months. But I’d like to remind my colleagues on the other side that we’ve also got a job to do around here. I mean, we’ve got multiple crisis-level issues to deal with. And yet Democrats don’t want to do a thing.  Never before has a President and a Senate done so little to confront challenges so great.  We’ve got a $16 trillion debt. Democrats haven’t bothered to pass a budget in three years. Every single American will get hit with a massive tax hike in three months if we don’t act to prevent it.  Democrats are saying we shouldn’t do anything about it — just go off the cliff.  Just see what happens. The Defense budget is about to suffer automatic cuts that the President’s own Defense Secretary has described as ‘devastating’.  Democrats can’t be bothered to figure out a way to avoid them. The Middle East is in turmoil; we remain at war in Afghanistan and with Al Qaeda and Senate Democrats haven’t even bothered to pass a Defense Authorization bill.  Gas prices have more than doubled over the past four years. Democrats have responded by conspiring with the President to make sure a domestic pipeline didn’t get built.  Just let the debt grow. Let taxes go up. Let the defense cuts stand. Let gas prices get higher and higher. Don’t pass a budget. Don’t pass any spending bills. Don’t do anything that involves making tough choices. Just sit around and kill time in the hopes that the voters will focus on the other guys instead.

Look: Our constituents didn’t send us here to watch the clock or to offer running commentary on the floor. They sent us here to make a difference.  We’ve got jobs to do. It’s about time we did them.  In these very challenging times, Americans deserve leadership. Never before have a President and a Senate Majority Party done so little when our challenges have been so great. There’s no excuse for it.”

Excuse me folks but what the heck is wrong with Senator McConnell’s position?  Now doesn’t that really outline what concerns us as Americans?   It speaks directly to the issues!   No fluff, no personality attacks, just the facts.   Okay maybe a party attack but isn’t it deserved?  I admire any politician of any party who admits and acknowledges “They sent us here to make a difference.  We’ve got jobs to do. It is about time we did them”.    The speech did not receive much coverage from Main Street media because supporting dialogue, cooperation and reconciliation does not fit their agenda.   I guess I am becoming a bit cynical about what I see but it just supports my assertion that we are being treated like mushrooms.  Remember, an informed society has the best chance in shaping its own destiny.     


So what is my point in bringing you today’s blog?  I hope that it illustrates the fundamental differences of our country’s leaders, and that Main Street media fails to at the very least “contrast the differences”.     I don’t believe that I stand alone and I do believe that we should again take up JFK’s challenge: “Ask not what the country can do for you, but what you (we) can do for our country”

The presidential debates start next week.  Your vote will count more than ever this November. Do yourself and our country a favor by watching and listening to the candidates.   Don’t cast your vote based on truncated and biased news reports and talk shows.  America you are smarter than that.   If you don’t want to be treated like a mushroom….don‘t act like one!

Step Back, Listen, Validate or Challenge

Look for Part 2 to be released in the near future.  You may want to revisit my blog of June 15, 2012 titled Fragmentation by Design.